Photo Bender
Take a photo or load it from the gallery and by changing it's shape create a new image, which will make your friends laugh.
Bend your image, reduce what is to large, enlarge what is too small or add color to your image with the Brush tool .
If that is not enough, add an animation frame and using the same tools, see how from ordinary image you can easily create an animation. By pressing "play" button you can watch changes after each move of your finger.
- changing the shape of image and coloring of image,
- creating animation and watching changes after each move of finger,
- tools: bend, stretch, shrink, brush, selective undo,
- tools options: size, color, bend tool type and undo tool type (shape/color),
- setting duration of frame,
- adding/deleting animation frame,
- undo changes made to current frame,
- exporting result to: Animated GIF, JPEG, PNG, MP4.
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